6 Tip On How To Model Self-Compassion For You And Your Kids

Self-compassion is a crucial practice that involves treating ourselves with the same kindness, care, and understanding we would extend to a close friend. It requires recognising that everyone has imperfections and struggles, which are part of the shared human experience and do not detract from our self-worth. Practicing self-compassion can be challenging, especially when confronted with a harsh inner critic.

Self-compassion is composed of three key components: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Self-kindness involves offering yourself comfort and care during times of pain and failure rather than self-criticism. Common humanity encourages recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and experiences struggles, while mindfulness entails observing feelings with openness and without judgment.

To cultivate self-compassion, for yourself  and your kids or the children you work with, it's helpful to practice self-kindness, mindfulness, recognising common humanity, setting realistic expectations, prioritising self-care, and engaging in positive self-talk. These practices not only benefit personal well-being but also serve as a valuable model for children, teaching them to navigate their emotions and challenges with greater compassion and resilience. By incorporating these habits into daily routines, families and relationships can foster a more supportive and understanding environment